Monday, August 17, 2009

Governmental Power and the Breakdown

Surprisingly there's not much that can be said about Mrs. Clinton, or Mister, whichever you prefer. This woman now, currently holds the Secretary of State position and is responsible for the representation of our foreign policies and is often the one person being sent to these foreign countries... and is I believe souly responsible for painting a respectful and trustworthy image of our Nation. The Secretary of State position is widely considered the most "Senior" position in the Presidential Cabinet. And is also the "4th" (Fourth) most powerful position here in the United States. Basically meaning if the Vice President dies, the Speaker of the House, and the President pro tempore of the Senate; Hilary Rodham Clinton would then be the successor and receive the Presidency.

And using her as an example, the position is a position great of honor and should be regarded as such. There are some people in this country that i believe have made it their life's goal to be in a position of power. Some of them being preachers, politicians, lawyers (not much difference between the former), activist groups, and plenty more. While some of these movements and individuals in these categories have at some time reached a point of significance and gained acceptance, time and time again people wake up and these tyrants fade with time. But I dont believe there has EVER been an individual that has, like a viper, slipped into a position of such importance and power. Of course Im referring to our wonderful Secretary of State.

While Im aware that America is the most powerful country in the world and that we have a lot of say in the world opinion. But responses like that which was given at the press conference in the Republic of Congo, was highly inappropriate. And while some people may say, "I would have said the same thing, I mean who asks about my husband and expects me to give an answer... She gave a the same response any NORMAL person would have." First off, Hillary Rodham Clinton is not a "Normal" woman. She's The Secretary of State, of the most powerful country in the world. She has been on the Board of Directors for Wal-Mart, served as a United States Senator, ran for the president of the United States, and is now the Secretary of State. What "normal" person has pursued their ambitions so avidly? The normal American is consumed with self, worry, materialism, entitlement, disrespect, and dishonor. It doesn't sound to me like, I'd want a "normal" person to act as my President, much less the Secretary of State. A person in this position should have character qualities emulating, integrity, patience, selflessness, and pride for ones country. These are all qualities that are OBVIOUSLY lacking in today's America. Sadly we're being led by people who lack these same character traits. Americans are lied to, manipulated, and pushed aside. And if Hillary has the "Normal" American qualities... frankly.. what is she doing in the Secretary of State position? And that goes for any others in positions of power that seriously lack these qualities that are required in a position of such great power?

Honestly how many policies that are introduced and passed, are desired by the majority? The politicians "WE" have put in place are ignoring the constituents and pursuing an agenda of self-indulging power and overall destruction of what "real" American patriots have fought for.

Like freedom. America has been involved in several conflicts in which we have fought against dictators and communism itself... While we sit pompously upon our "Super-Power" thrown and gloat in our so-called freedom while we ourselves are becoming what we hate.

This path is "DIRECTLY" attributed to those in this country that seek power. And instead of looking at power as an opportunity to serve, they look at it as a milestone and a status in self-honor. Its almost as if these positions are sought after only to feel good about self. "If you want to feel good about yourself, get liposuction or breast implants." Don't pursue an agenda that is ultimately leading America down a path that goes against what America has stood for.

Which I believe is Freedom ultimately. Freedom from Governmental tyranny. America itself became sovereign when it chose to rebel against its governmental rulers. Why? Because those individuals who were in Power were in fact there for that reason. Americans were taxed, and oppressed by their own rulers. They were dictated to the point where Freedom was seemingly non-existent. When the New World provided opportunity for change, we, the Americans, the Rebels, seized that opportunity. And together with our rulers and government we built a nation to be envied. And now as a country not too much older than 200 years we have done something no other country in this world has ever achieved. America is a dynasty and a symbol of freedom. However that image within our hearts is changing. America is being ran by the government instead of led. The ultimate design of government is to protect not dictate.

The modern American has this twisted view, and see a Senator, Representative, a Secretary of State, or a President as person of unattainable power. A person who is almost more than human. But they fail to realize that they weren't ordained by a god. They were voted into office by people like yourself. They're human. While they MUST carry traits that MOST humans dont have themselves... they are in fact human. And are in position by our own error. While we ultimately did vote them into office... their goal as our governmental representation is to "represent" the common needs and opinion of Americans. Not their own. So at times a politician "SHOULD" lay down their own personal ambitions, agendas, beliefs, and goals, and speak for the people not themselves. America isn't in need of Health Care reform. we're in need of a governmental reform.

The majority of the American Administration is in fact in it for power and they've lost site of what authority really is. Authority is a form of power, but its not to be imposed. Its to serve. Serve your people, dont look at them as constituents, and your ticket to power and glory. When we vote an individual into office we EXPECT them to speak for us, not themselves. There should be no respect for political parties... and those in office should represent the common consensus and opinions of America despite their own.

Friday, July 31, 2009


I’ve spent a lot of time lately contemplating my relationship with my father. And while at times I feel that I’m not where I need to be, I realize that I myself am the person who determines where that place is. I spend a lot of time in thought, which at times is extremely beneficial to myself and others at times, but it’s also my weakness. It’s awfully ironic that what I believe to be my greatest strength is also my greatest weakness. I often put myself under a lot of self inflicted stress due to my inevitable ability to think.

My mind wonders to the most random issues, me being graduated and all, I feel this need to get away, but the problem is… get away to where? I have so many plans, gifts, and thoughts about where I want my life to go and I often times forget about where God wants me… I know that my gifts and desires are something inspired by God, but I have a hard time thinking about what these gifts are going to best used for. I’ve considered several careers, ranging from the military to being a lawyer.

I guess one of the most appealing things about both areas is that I love people. And I know some feel that being a soldier is as far from loving people as you can get… but I have a great respect for our soldiers and I believe they’re fighting for a cause. Which is honestly any man’s dream. A man needs something to fight for. In a world that’s degraded the head of the house and the actual need for a husband and most importantly a father (believe me there’s a difference), a man needs something. Most find it in their careers, some in war, some in their families, and others in God. While a lot of people, or Christians rather, tend to break God into a time table or a diet. And anyone who has chosen to diet knows that it’s not a diet at all but a change in lifestyle. Same with life and God.

God is in everything I believe, and in whatever we do operate, in a way that makes people envy what you have which is honestly something, none of us have earned and never will earn. I have decided to personally be that in every area in my life… and since the majority of my time and present career have me on a computer I’ve decided to relay that hunger and that love for people everywhere possible. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a kook, a Bible beater, or a hypocrite. I act human and just like any person. I just have something different about me. And while I don’t know where I’m going and I am often times confused about where I myself am headed… I know that the way has already been prepared and all I have to do is walk straight and things will fall in line. If I love God and love people, my life has been all that it can possibly be and I have hopefully in some small way changed someone’s life.

My ultimate goal is not to be a good person because I want to go to heaven… I know there’s nothing I could do that would warrant me a ticket to paradise. I do know that me going to heaven is a gift and even though I don’t deserve it, I as a human seeking acceptance am obligated to accept the gift. I’m not good because God tells me to be, I’m good because God is good and I must emulate my father.

Monday, June 22, 2009


In my many years of living, Ive come to realize that plans are meant to fail. Or that's how it seems. Time is meant to be wasted and love is meant to be lost.

I know your thinking, wow this sure sounds a lot like a country song.. But honestly.. Life has been good. Looking back on what Ive come from and the good times and experiences Ive had. They've made me a better person. But what hurts is the disappointment, the broken promises, the people that have been stolen from me and the pain attached to that. There are a lot of regrets in my life, but they are far lesser than those good things in my life.

Most of my regrets are attached to those things that I miss. Those future memories (which is a paradox by the way) and those past. I look forward to that time, when im comfortable in the fact that things are right and where they're supposed to be. Now dont get me wrong, I know that life is never going to be perfect. However it is all in perspective. When I imagine my future, I see things specifiacally. But at times, your visions contradict those of the people around you. Everyone reading (if anyone ) knows what Im talking about. Everyone at one point in time, imagines there future. They picture their kids, their house, their career, even that person you are going to marry. What's sad is, that over time.. Those dreams change.. Your desires are forced to change and conform to this rollercoaster we call life..

Im a strong believer in faith, in fact I believe that 95% of our Christian religion, is wrapped up in faith. How else would we take directions from an omni-present spirit we call God. How else would we obey a very real God, that we can not see? By faith. And as a christian, we're all forced to operate is some form of faith.. Ive chosen to make choices and direct my life in a way I feel, gets me the most God for my time hear on Earth. But, as I said earlier, dreams, desires, and promises are forced to confrom to life. Every living person has dreams, but if you really sit down and think about how many of you are dreaming the same dreams you were when you were 6, 10, 12, 16, 30? I know for me, one of my life choices was to love one woman and marry one woman. But due to a life sometimes mislead, I broke promises to myself and even others caught in my life's wake.. Im a goal oriented person, as I believe all males should be, and sometimes.. People change your mind for you.. And as much as I would like to hold on to those promises I've made, I can't. Somewhere down the road Im going to have to tell my wife, that I fell in love with another woman, and I gave my heart away. And somewhere in that dreadful converstation, Im going to have to expllain to her, that she is in someway better than my past love. Im going to have to tell her about my dreams and what I wanted for her.. But due to choices and mistakes, she won't be taking a part in any of those.

It's somewhat disheartening to know that my dreams are so fragile. That the things I want for my life are going to change tomorrow. That what I invest so much time, faith and prayer in, is something that is subject to change. And at times not by my own choice but by others. I didn't want to love this girl, I fell in love with. I didn't want to lie to myself and dream a dream, inpossible. I didn't want those things for my life. But, those choices made by other people, have gotten my dreams caught in their life's wake. And have shaken and even broken my faith and trust.

If you look at it from this perspective, it's somewhat like, building a house for someone, and amidst the happiness and celebration.. Taking a wrecking ball.. And trashing there hopes, for change, life, and seeming salvation. And all theyre left eith is the rubble, and are somehow expected to build a life worth living, out of nothing but debris. It's cruel.

With all of that.. I warn anyone reading and interested. To take into consideration those your effecting when you make choices and promises. Don't be selfish with yourself. You're choices are dream changers and crashers. When you make promises, mean it. When you love someone, keep it. When you want something take it. Faith is the key. We choose to see things, how theyre seen.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


People tend to live their lives completely apart from one another… not considering that their actions and choices effect others lives, much less their own. It is with this mentality that we have become so ignorant of choice. Our lives are dictated entirely by choice and nothing else. We are given an option to respond to any and every circumstance that comes our way, although most people choose to run on an “auto pilot” course of life. Never giving any thought to the idea that what they choose in their lives whether past or present have landed them where they are now.
While there is the popular religious opinion that our lives and paths are dictated by some higher power and that there is no real choice in life. With this opinion, especially looking at it from a biblical perspective there is a seeming contradiction in the sense that in the beginning man was given a free will. He chose to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If you were of the religious opinion that God dictates our choices then the real outcome would be that God forced man to sin against him. Hence the contradiction, but if you were to look at it from the other point of view it is then that you realize we have a choice. And what the Christian faith really portrays is God who has a plan and dictates our steps it is our choice to follow that plan or not.

I truly believe life is what you make it. I usually attempt at avoiding clichés but at this point my writing requires such a statement. Choices have the potential to lead many down a path of pain and suffering and wrong choices, while they also have to ability to make life an adventure, and bring change to the world. Choice is “amoral”. It is incapable of causing evil or good in and of itself; it is subject to our will.

This typically offers hope, to know that the most abundant resource in life is at my disposal and has the utmost power and potential. I have to ability to excel and reach places no one has ever been before. I have the ability and the choice to change the world. On the negative side of things I can also ruin the world, ruin those I love. Kill my purposed and destroy my passion.

This is done through routine and an auto pilot life. Life then becomes mundane and boring. And essentially the opposite of what life is meant to be. Life is a gift, one which holds an exceptional amount of value. And by no means was it designed to be boring. We breath, we work, we die. This is not life. Life is excitement, passion, love, change, adventure, and at times, sorrow, grief, hurt, and confusion. Life is in no way an easy ride. Choices are not always apparent and rarely are. Right is not always easy and not always praised by men.

While life is a challenge, and a metaphorical Everest, it has been conquered. And it has been beaten. While many have died and fallen victim to its bloodlust and icy grip, there have been those who have reached the top and earned the honor of standing amongst the few that have suffered under the same challenge and circumstances.

Like Everest and the few who can claim they have beaten life, there have been people before you. There have been individuals who have surpassed all odds and made the right choices and routed life and taken it by surprise. This unfamiliar path is not without its sorrows, loss, and pain, but is also accompanied by passion, joy, and accomplishment. Most importantly you are awarded with the title of conqueror. A title very few in history have ever claimed.

The world is not without its stories of men who have made the unpopular choice and risen to the top. America has been based on the choices of men, who faced a certain death by which most were forced to pay. America is founded upon the “Spirit of Life” it was formed under the belief that the “Pursuit of happiness” was a right, not to be taken away by government or any man. Happiness can only be achieved through purpose, and the purpose of man is to live. And to live is to conquer.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ted Dekker Series

I've recently began reading the Ted Dekker Series including Black, Red, and White (Ive only gotten to Red). And first of I must highly recommend the series. They give you an entirely new perspective on the world and they're very intriguing. Between the constant time shifts and tons of excitement and drama, it still gets a philosophical point across. It's basically a testimony of what the world would be like without evil. And evil believe it or not encompasses a wide variety of topics. Such as disappointment, hate, anger, even frustration; a lot of things are kind of challenged in the book and it reall y allows you to think. It also does a great job of contrasting both worlds; the one we live in and the perfect world. Almost like a modern Thomas More: Utopia.

The basic story line starts out with a guy named Thomas who happens to have run in with some loan sharks and has a bit of an accident and hurts his noggin... Well, this little boo boo gives him the ability to shift universes when he sleeps. So every time he sleeps in one world he awakes in another. It's an awkward but amazing twist to the story. It offers the best of both worlds.. Guns and Swords. Even some romance.

So if youre looking for a great read, I suggest this series. You can purchase them at

If you have any questions or comments feel free to post.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Top 10 Best Movie Quotes (in my opinion)

10. Steve Butabi: "Hey, nice bulbs, Emily. Oh, and I don't mean that metaphorically." ( A Night at the Roxbury)

9. Fat Bastard: "I've got more chins than a Chinese phonebook." ( Austin Powers "The Spy who Shagged Me")

8. Peire: "In France, when a man is caught poaching ostriches we shave his head and make him run through the fields." ( Dude, Where's My Car)

7. Dr. Raymond Stantz: "Everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off by dickless here."
Walter Peck: "They caused an explosion!"
Mayor: "Is this true?"
Dr. Peter Venkman: "Yes, it's true. This man has no dick." (Ghostbusters)

6. Detective Drycoff: Who’s Eleanor?
Detective Castlebeck: It's a damn car. And don’t you ever talk about my wife. (Gone in 60 Seconds)

5. Forrest:
"Mama always said, dying was a part of life." (Forrest Gump)

4. Ty Webb: You're rather attractive for a beautiful girl with a great body. (Caddyshack)

3. Dark Helmet: "Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb." (Spaceballs)

2. Dewey: My name is Dewey Finn. And, no, I'm not a licensed teacher, but I have been touched by your kids. And I'm pretty sure I've touched them. (School of Rock)

1. Reverend Johnson: Now I don't have to tell you good folks what's been happening in our beloved little town. Sheriff murdered, crops burned, stores looted, people stampeded, and cattle raped. The time has come to act, and act fast. I'm leaving. (Blazing Saddles)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What We All Crave

In Life I find there to be one essential thing. Even in comparison to food, water, and oxygen this is more essential to survival. What every person craves in this world and is incapable of living without, is love. A person will spend a life-time searching for love. Be it from a parent, a lover, or a god. Entire lives are wasted on this one endeavor, for example Romeo and Juliet gave their lives in hope that they at some point in time would be together. A set of individuals who were denied their feelings, found their way through death. There are thousands of stories that have been told about martyrs who have given their lives to their god or some cause. This is a result of some form of love and some attachment.

Suicide is a rampant plague in the world and most of these sad endings start with their inability to be loved or so they feel. They for some reason were unable to find, that god, that woman, that parent who would love them back to life. And this failure to find love has resulted in an unpublished life.

If you were to think about, why you are where you are. And consider why your life is the way it is. It can almost certainly be contributed to the fact that you have followed some love, some passion, and have ended up where you are. What's amazing is, the things people will go through to feel loved and accepted. Some people will go through an entire wardrobe change and a complete paradigm shift, just to fit in with the cool crowd, and if they cant make it there they find other places to feel comforted.

Mind you this is not some speech about free-lovin' and world peace. It is more-or-less confronting some of the issues we all deal with. My main point in writing i this is to say that love is a choice. It's not some puddle you accidentally fall in and say "Ah crap, I got love all over me!" It's something more. It's something we all face and we all seem to confuse with acceptance and attraction. Love is undeserved. It's gentle. It can be both your downfall and your saviour. You must choose to chase love. This doesnt mean you have permission to stalk that girl or that guy you've been "SO IN LOVE WITH" it just means, you must follow your passions. And often times those passion don't come without hardship and resistance. You have to fight.